Saturday, November 10, 2012

Books are better than ereaders!

There are lots of reasons books are better than ereaders. With the popularity of electronic reading devices such as Kindle, one might think that books are outdated and on the way out. But that's not the case.

There are enough book lovers in the world to ensure that books aren't going anywhere; and for real book lovers, books will always be better than an ereader. Books provide an experience that just isn't possible with an electronic device.

There's something about the look and feel of a book-paperback or hardcover-in your hands. The weight and size of it, no matter how light or heavy, lets you know what to expect. If it's thick and heavy, you know you've got hours of reading ahead of you, it it's small and light, you know it's a quick read.

For that special reading experience, visit the Battle Ground Community Library, located in the Battle Ground Village!  They have many great books to keep you reading for hours!

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