Thursday, November 29, 2012

5 Christmas Shopping Tips To Save You Money

5 Christmas Shopping Tips To Save You Money

December 25With Christmas day fast approaching, we’re all groaning and looking at out bank accounts and credit card statements, wondering how much damage will be done this year. Fear not! We’ve put together a simple list of practical tips to help you save money this Christmas season.

Shop Online

That’s right. Who said Christmas shopping needs to involve traffic jams, long lines, and crowded shopping malls? Nobody. It’s time to kick back, relax, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and browse the online stores for some good deals. has fantastic prices, very fast shipping, and even free 2 day shipping for its Prime members ($79/year, with many other great benefits). There are also a plethora of other great sites to buy from. You can even try eBay stores for great deals as well, in addition to all your favorite store websites.

Start Right Now

So many of us tend to wait until the last possible second to buy those presents for Christmas. The obvious problem with this is that the longer we wait, the lower the selection, and the higher the stress levels get. The single busiest shopping day other than black friday is Christmas eve. Why? Because everyone procrastinates, and nobody but the stores benefits because of it. The sales don’t get any better as you get closer to Christmas, because the stores know that you, their customer, are getting more and more anxious and stressed out trying to find a gift for that special someone. So why wait? Get that Christmas shopping out of the way right away and you won’t have to worry about it anymore!

Make A List, Check it Twice

But not to find out who’s naughty or nice. Like Santa, you want to make sure you don’t forget anyone. Forgetting someone could put you in the very situation we were trying to avoid with our previous tip about starting early! You want to keep a brief, very organized, specific list that you can check off as you take care of the gifts for each person. This should help prevent you from buying those “Oh, what the heck, it’s just one more gift!” items that you don’t actually need and that were not on anyone’s list. It’s amazing how much unnecessary junk people buy every year as Christmas presents just because “it’s cheap.” Price alone is never a good reason to buy anything. If they don’t specifically want it, don’t buy it. Period. It’s your own fault if you end up going broke after buying the kids all kinds of unnecessary gifts that they will forget all about five minutes after they open them!

Bonus tip: You can download any one of many great Christmas list apps for your iPhone, iPod Touch, Android Phone, or Windows Phone to help you with most of the things on this list!

Choose Based on Appropriateness and Value, Not Price

If you can hand-make something that could otherwise be bought for lots of money in a store, then by all means, go ahead! If you find something that fits the description perfectly, but it doesn’t cost as much as you think it should, go ahead and pick it up. We’re not talking about buying things that aren’t on your list or that people don’t want. What we are talking about is the fact that some people seem to believe the value of a gift is based sheerly on its price tag. It isn’t, and never should be. The value of a gift depends on what it means to the recipient, and how much thought and love went into its selection, not its price tag. So shop frugally, but thoughtfully.

Have a Budget

Going out blindly into the mall without a spending limit is a sure-fire recipe for financial disaster. It may seem fun now to walk out of the store with all those shiny bags full of gifts, but it won’t be anywhere near as enjoyable or jolly when you get that credit card bill or bank statement in the mail and get hit with the sticker shock then! Decide exactly how much money you can safely and logically afford to spend on Christmas this year, and budget accordingly. This means travel expenses, gifts, meals, activities, events, decorations, and all that comes with the season. Doing this one thing will give you an unbelievably strong peace of mind in the long haul, and will eliminate any post-Christmas regret from ever happening.

Now that you’re equipped with these great tips, go forth and shop! We know you’ll be smarter this year and your wallet and bank account will thank you for it – and your significant other probably will too!

Reference It Thing

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Get Fit For Spring

Get Bold Training in the Battle Ground Village has many classes throughout the day to get you fit!

With spring right around the corner, isn't it time you started thinking about fitting into those short-sleeved tops and shorts? If you haven't already made an exercise routine as part of your New Year's resolution, consider beginning one now.

Did you know that you could become fitter by just walking 10,000 steps a day? Exercise doesn't have to mean lifting weights and spending your afternoon and weekends on an exercise machine. If you don't have any idea how many steps a day you are already taking, purchase an inexpensive pedometer. This handy little device measures how many steps you take in a given day. After you get an idea of your average steps per day, try increasing them slowly by parking your car a little farther away from your workplace or taking a walk after lunch or dinner. Walking increases your metabolism and helps to burn off extra pounds you may have gained during the holidays.

Visit for a complete list of activities and classes.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Books are better than ereaders!

There are lots of reasons books are better than ereaders. With the popularity of electronic reading devices such as Kindle, one might think that books are outdated and on the way out. But that's not the case.

There are enough book lovers in the world to ensure that books aren't going anywhere; and for real book lovers, books will always be better than an ereader. Books provide an experience that just isn't possible with an electronic device.

There's something about the look and feel of a book-paperback or hardcover-in your hands. The weight and size of it, no matter how light or heavy, lets you know what to expect. If it's thick and heavy, you know you've got hours of reading ahead of you, it it's small and light, you know it's a quick read.

For that special reading experience, visit the Battle Ground Community Library, located in the Battle Ground Village!  They have many great books to keep you reading for hours!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Party Food Ideas

The second most patriotic day on the calendar is Election Day. It is a day when most of us choose to exercise our rights, a time to participate in one of the most revered traditions in our nation's history. If you are planning a get-together in honor of this extraordinary privilege that we as Americans have, make sure to serve the right food. Election-themed food can be sarcastic or serious and tailored to your guests tastes. However, it should always be good to eat.

Election Day Drinks

The drink selection can be as easy as a blue fruit juice or a fruit punch for a party with children to a more specialized drink for adult fun. You can combine flavored drink mixes with a carbonated soda instead of water for a distinctive "Election Elixir" and make it the theme drink. If you are on the all-American theme, consider a lemonade and then maybe a spiked version for adults. Whatever drinks you choose, they should blend well with the food and not look out of place.

Election Day Food

Bring back thoughts of long summer days with a good old-fashioned cook out. Serve hot dogs and hamburgers with chili, coleslaw, potato salad and chips. It is a simple menu that guests can adapt to their own tastes and does not cause you to be in the kitchen for the whole party. If you are partial to a specific political party, make things from that candidate's home state or make their favorite foods. Even ordinary foods can have election themed names, such as campaign trail mix and "right" wings.

Election Day Deserts

A regular sheet cake can be turned into an American flag with remarkably little time and effort. Simply ice a sheet cake with white icing and blue icing to make a square in the upper left corner. With red icing, make lines and use white icing or candies for the stars. It does not have to be perfect, but it should demonstrate respect to the flag. Some other ideas could be cupcakes with white icing and blue and red sprinkles; red, blue and clear gelatin squares; star-shaped cookies with red, white and blue icing; cherry pie or blueberry cobbler. Also, everyone knows there is nothing more American than apple pie.
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Friday, November 2, 2012


Local artisans have an opportunity to sell to holiday shoppers

Battle Ground Village is hosting a Holiday Shoppe & Bazaar this 2012 holiday season. The Shoppe, located next door to Bold Training and across from the center park pavilion, will be offering a wide variety of quality, handmade products including wooden toys and furniture, jewelry, paintings, specialty foods, memory books, and treats, such as roasted nuts.  

This is the second year Battle Ground Village has opened its doors to a retail-type Holiday Shoppe. Last year, the Shoppe was a huge hit with customers, as well as the vendors. The Shoppe is open between 10am – 5pm, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, beginning November 8th, running through December 15th. The Shoppe will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.

“I am so thrilled to be participating in the Shoppe again this year,” exclaims Don Clark, woodcrafter and vendor at the BGVillage outdoor market. “Before the store opens, the vendors join together and decorate the space. I believe the customers appreciate the warm, inviting atmosphere where they don’t have the frantic mall crowds and they can spend time finding that special gift.”
Battle Ground Village has many retail gift shops and restaurants that attract customers from all over the area, and now customers will have another “shoppe” to visit, filled with unique holiday gifts for their friends and family.

Bethany Froes, from Amintire Memory Books, says “As the full-time cashiers for the Shoppe last year, my design partner, Melissa, and I had the pleasure to meet many customers. It was fun to see the excitement of a young child getting their first tutu or a thankful husband finding that perfect piece of jewelry for his wife. Melissa and I will be cashiering again this year and hope to see many return customers, as well as new faces.”

The Shoppe will be decorated for the holidays, with lights, garland, and fun ornaments. “It’s not every day that local artists and craftsmen have a chance to run their own shop,” says Carmen Villarma, Battle Ground Village developer. “The vendors can accept their own payment, or there is a central cashier accepting most forms of payment, including credit card. We tried to make it as easy and stress-free for the customers and vendors to enjoy their holiday shopping experience at Battle Ground Village.”
# # #
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Carmen Villarma, please call Jennifer Riddle at 360-397-0334 or email at:

Posted by Joanne Vanderhoef
Marketing and Media Specialist

Battle Ground Village
Visit out Facebook at

Thursday, November 1, 2012

5 Holiday Shopping Tips That Will Save You Money

With Black Friday within reach and Christmas right around the corner, many people are starting to think about holiday shopping. Whether or not you plan to brave the storm this Friday, here are some tips to help you come out on top this holiday shopping season.

1. Create a holiday shopping budget.
Hopefully, you have been saving up for the holidays. If not, don't worry, just do your best this year and plan to do better the next. Whether or not you have money earmarked for gifts, you should create a holiday shopping budget. Make a list of people that you want to present with a gift and write down the gift ideas along with the amount you want to spend for each person. Be realistic with what you can afford! Now tally everything up and you’ll have your total cost. If the total is too high, either scale back on all the gifts, or make the tough decision of giving to fewer people this year. Whatever you do, create a realistic budget that you won't regret after the holiday season is over.

2. Scout out your gifts.
If you can afford to, buying locally is a great way to put money back into your community. However, you might not be able to find what you want locally, or the price might be so high that you want to make your purchase elsewhere. Whether you are planning to buy locally or online, you should first check out online coupon sites to see if you can find coupon codes and discount promotions for your purchases.

These sites sometimes offer discounts that stores do not advertise and have deals that could save you significant amounts of money.

3. Comparison shop.
Don't take the first "good deal" that you stumble across. Suppress your impulse to grab the deal right away and check out a few other sites or stores to see if you can find an even better deal elsewhere. Be sure to also check out items similar to the one that you intended to buy. Occasionally, you will find significantly better deal without sacrificing too much on features and functionality — this is especially true for computers and electronics purchases.

4. Buy with a credit card.
Credit card use is not right for everyone, so if it is not for you, don't use it! If you can handle credit cards without much trouble, use them. Credit card companies usually provide additional warranty on your purchases and offer you a level of protection against damaged and/or defective products. Moreover, you can get cash reward on your purchases. For instance, Discover Card is currently offering a great promotion. It includes: 5 percent cash-back bonus in department stores and clothing stores, and a double cash-back bonus on up to $1,000 in online purchases through the end of the year. That is an excellent way to save a little more money on top of everything else.

5. Understand the price protection policy.
Be sure to ask about the price protection policy that each store offers. Some stores do not offer this protection, buy a few do. The protection period varies from store to store, but it is typically between 15 to 30 days. With price protection, you can demand a refund of the difference if the store reduces the price on the item you purchase inside the protected period.

For the power shoppers, you may even want to wait on your purchases so that the price protection period ends a few days after Christmas. This way, if the store offers an "After Christmas Sale" you can try to get some money back.

Good luck with your holiday shopping!

Reference My Money

Posted by Joanne Vanderhoef
Marketing and Media Specialist

Battle Ground Village
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